Aleksandr Tarashchansky is a noted healer, the author of The First Revelation of Aleksandr, whose methods of diagnostics and treatment have impressed even the practitioners of the official medicine.
Aleksandr Tarashchansky can diagnose and heal a patient’s illness without tests and X-rays, thanks to his extraordinary ability to see, predict and sense future problems and disease processes in the patient’s body. He often helps in those cases when the traditional medicine is ineffective.
He is the originator of the method of “resetting the biological clock” which rejuvenates the body and smooths the wrinkles.
His meditations with medical products have no analogues in the world. Having studied the abilities and characteristics of the human body, Aleksandr Tarashchansky has developed a special method for healing oneself and step-by-step withholding from the intake of medications, which reduces the side effects and damages to the organs of the body. He also created a unique method of diagnosing illnesses based on the patients’ dreams, long before any problems arise.
He can often heal such complicated illnesses as: cerebral palsy, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Ménière’s disease, Raynaud disease, Crohn’s disease, Reiter’s syndrome, epilepsy, diabetes Type I and Type II), schizophrenia, autism, vision and hearing problems, sinusitis, headaches, thyroid problems, emphysema, asthma, allergies. His hand scan heal hernias and herniated discs. He can also heal cardio-vascular disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, kidney and liver problems (cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C, kidney stones), prostatitis, impotence, pinched nerve, obesity, gynecological diseases (polyps, cysts, infertility, menopause-related problems), incontinence, nervous system and sleep disorders.
The methods and diets developed by Aleksandr can prevent aging and help with malignant tumors, comas, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and diseases of unclear etiology.