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Interview 40

– Aleksandr, we have never received so many letters before, as we‘ve been getting now after the letter from Mikhail Sherman where he describes his feeling when he was in a state of a clinical death and then in a coma.I think it’s time for the scientists to revise their viewpoint in regards to this phenomenon, or rather a consistent pattern.What is your opinion about it?

– In my two books The First Revelation of Aleksandr and The Second Revelation of Aleksandr I explain this phenomenon, that’s why I am not focusing on it now, though I want to say that life is a product of self-reproduction of an invisible substance in time, in various forms of material and physical-energetic manifestation.

In my early interviews I told already that I consider Time to be the primary substance, in which the biblical word was sounded, and the “WORD” was G-D.

I interpret it as




In my understanding G-D is an abstract value which is present (as time) in everything.In other words, it is a transition from one condition to another, similar to the seasons of the year – winter, spring, summer, autumn, winter…They have neither the end, nor the beginning.

– Then where does the time come from?

– It has existed forever, but we could never explain its origin and will always sense its effect on the Universe.We should reconcile to this law; the only thing I want to say is that Chaos originated in time, and the Universe, the Galaxies and us originated from chaos when the order was set.But the soul was the primary substance of our life.

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