Interview 38
– When I interview you, I often do it with thrill and trepidation that I can learn something special which is unknown to others. After your last interview, we received many letters not only about your extraordinary approach to the treatment of illnesses and the uniqueness of your books The First Revelation of Aleksandr and The Second Revelation of Aleksandr; but we also got responses to the letter of a woman by the name of Valentina describing her dead relatives’ visits to her. I pick up one rarer letter which, I think, will be of much interest to the readers. And I apologize for its abridgment.
Dear Aleksandr! After your interview I decided to describe what happened to me many years ago. I was born in 1936, and as all of us, I survived hard times – ruins, famine, deaths of relatives. After the military service, at the age of 23 I entered Saratov Medical school and after the graduation, and «with my luck», I was distributed to a settlement «May Day» in Irkutsk region (a Soviet practice of obligatory work for graduates for two years). In the beginning, my only dream was to leave this place forgotten by G-d, as soon as possible… Here, there lived former political prisoners, murderers, and all kind of amnestied criminals who were not allowed to leave or go more than 200 miles away from the settlement.
As a young specialist and a surgeon, I was mostly engaged in putting stitches on the lacerations and incisions, applying plaster casts after traumas and fractures, helping to deliver babies, doing appendectomies, etc. Often they would bring inmates from the camps in the neighborhood that were injured during the fights and strives in the prisons, or by the falling trees at the «tree felling» (a symbol of Siberian labor camps and the forced labor within the camps).
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