Interview 78
– Alexander, soon the clock will be counting down the last minutes of 2014 and we’ll plunge into 2015.
It has been getting harder and harder to interview you because your knowledge goes through the roof. I live in the 21st century. And you live ahead of time.
You know NOW what scientists will come to knowing decades later.
You think in totally different terms than other people. I think you are an extraordinary person who is looking for rational kernel in senseless formless abstraction.
Am I not right??
– Yes, I am looking for the equability of balance in the theory of the unconscious, unexplainable, esoteric but existing component under the general name of «TIME». TIME originates matter because the time is the substance in which the Word sounded. And that word was G-d.
– For now, there are incomprehensible, so far unexplainable things. I consider your unique books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander to be among them. I have no doubt that they were passed to the Mankind by the supreme Substance through you. Your amazing Cylindrical and two Conical Helixes help people to restore their health condition and come out of problems. In your interviews you often speak about the things that sound mystique to us, mere mortals; but amazingly enough, some time later scientists confirm your statements.
In one of the interviews I asked you when, to your opinion, the civilization would perish, and your answer was that it would happen when there would be no right answer to the question asked.
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