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Interview 48

Alexander, when I was interviewing you for the first time, you told me that you had started healing people at the age of 3. And it was a consequence of an electric shock that you had experienced.  But I would like to know in greater details how exactly that happens and what methods you use while working with patients?

–         I simply walk to a patient and put my arms around his/her kidney zone. And as I am holding my arms, I am intuitively moving them along my patient’s body and stop right around problem areas.  Then, I would say: “If you feel warmth radiating from my arms, then you will soon feel better.” And indeed it really happened that way. And I frankly was amazed myself. I didn’t use any methods at that time, but in the process I started to learn – or better – to feel what to use additionally and how to work more effectively. I started to add “thoughtform” – a phantom to my healing process.

–         I myself was greatly surprised to discover this potent skill within me, which nowadays help me in my healing people. Bottom line –  I bring life to lost function in a human body, and even sometimes I succeed in bringing life to those material substances that are no longer alive.

– Could you specify?

– Everything that exists on our planet was created by Time for some unknown reason. We could be cured, healed, treated by geometrical figures, mathematical formulas, light, fire, heat, earth, water, wood, matter, faith, hope, love, compassion, metal, animal world, books. But the utmost important is Thoughform – it can really change the world around us. I regard is as a change in time, therefore, I can sometimes help people get better or even be healed completely. I am convinced that he who believes in victory is capable of coping with any problems and win.

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