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Interview 82

– Alexander, finally you are back in New York. Now I have a dilemma what to begin our interview with.

During your long absence I’ve accumulated so many important questions to discuss with you. We have received many interesting letters about your innovative approach to the treatment of various diseases which had not responded to medical therapy. People managed to restore their health and to recover from problems only due to your correct diagnosis.

I think that in our interview Ill manage to combine many questions in one direction.

– I agree with you – it would be better.

– Let’s begin. So, a man wrote a letter about his wife who, after a lung surgery, started experiencing big difficulties with urination. No medications prescribed by doctors, none of their recommendations could help her. She had suffered for about 8 months. She was able to recover only thanks to the method you developed. We got 11 more letters about how your method helped people. Please tell our readers about it.

– Sure. This technique can help many people to restore their functions. Seniors or anyone who underwent a surgery and anesthesia may have difficulties urinating or defecating. As advised by doctors they take laxatives or drugs easing urination. But very often these medications have contraindications. Urologists recommend those people to watch running tap water. And if there is none, a person needs to wait long till urination starts.

That kind of doctors’ recommendation helps very few people. They sense incomplete urinary bladder emptying and they have to get up at night to get to the toilet many times. Then they cannot fall asleep and feel tired and exhausted the next day.

About 10 years ago I looked into this matter and found a very interesting solution – a man should take a small amount of water in his mouth and slowly let a thin trickle into the water-closet pan. For women I suggest the following – take a bottle or a cup of water, take some water into the mouth and then let a thin trickle into another cup.

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