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Interview 48


– It’s amazing – the other days I indeed received proof of aforementioned, and I would like to share this letter with readers now.

   Dear Alexander! Everything in this life needs to be paid for. Even bad thoughts towards an individual, but remember: every spoken word or any action may have a counter action.

…For example, Happiness will have its antonym: Unhappiness, Love – Hatred, Truth – Lie, Hope – Disappointment and so on. And though I am still relatively young (I am 40), I feel wise as if I lived several lives. And all it thanks to your books “First Revelation of Aleksandr” and “Second Revelation of Aleksandr”.

But let me start from the very beginning: in 2004, while celebrating my own birthday, I suddenly felt very dizzy and I fainted. I fell – it was in a restaurant, friends lifted me and helped me sit at the table. I was sitting there for another 4 hours, feeling so distant as if I was in a trance. I saw people coming to me, heard them say something, but I failed to understand anything. My wife thought it was a side effect of alcohol, therefore I was “not there”. When we came back home, my condition worsened. I had hot flashes, I was sweating, right foot would not obey, I barely took the shower and went to bed. In the morning I felt very dizzy and I felt asleep again. In several hours, I was completely fine – as if nothing ever happened to me.

It was so nice to feel good again! I went to the kitchen, all my family was there – my wife, 11 years old son and 7 years old daughter. I went out with my kids for a walk.

While walking I kept analyzing my yesterday’s condition and couldn’t find any explanation. :What could have happened to me?”, – I wondered. I go to the gym 5 times a week, walk my dog every evening over an hour, on the weekends I jog. Most likely, it WAS a body resistance to alcohol, or food poisoning. Nothing major, I thought. We celebrated my birthday on Friday, and I started feeling tingling in my right arm and foot over the weekend. The sensation was not a pleasant one. My wife suggested we should go to a hospital: What if you have had a mild stroke, she said.

We spent 5 hours in the hospital waiting to be seen by a doctor, between filing papers and waiting. And finally, in another 2 hours the doctor came to examine me. Multiple tests didn’t reveal anything – EKG and Blood work were within norm. The doctor said that most likely I was very stressed and over tired. In the room I was administered multivitamins and minerals through IV. My wife wanted to stay with me, but I insisted on her going home. On Monday I was seen by a more experienced doctor, who asked for an MRI test to be performed. And only then a brain tumor was discovered.

It was at this moment that my life was divided into two parts: before and after the tumor.

At first I refused to understand that this had happened to ME, who was leading a healthy life style, was only 32 years old, and had a perfect family and promising job. When the doctor came with the diagnosis: brain cancer, I could hear no more. This is the end, – I thought. And I panicked… Called my wife but couldn’t speak. She understood, I had problems, and rushed to the hospital. I saw fear in her eyes, she was pregnant. What will happen to our third baby?

Later, an Indian surgeon stopped by and since the tumor was large – 6 cm, suggested an urgent surgery.


I must say that in US doctors don’t feel sorry for the patients. … and always tell the truth. After surgery, he said, they will provide chemo and then radiation therapy. Maybe it would help me to live for 8 months. And if I don’t do anything – I will live for only 4-6 months.

I decided to get discharged from the hospital and get a second opinion. On the way home we didn’t talk. Stopped by my in-laws to pick up kids, and there, on the sofa I saw an open book: “First revelation of Aleksandr” Out of curiosity, I took the book, and immediately heard the voice of my mother-on law: she said she had read the book over and over, and her husband started the second book

I opened the book and read: “Life is a trial in which we must sufficiently perfect ourselves in order to obtain immortality after Death”.

I was still a little confused, didn’t have a clear picture, but your saying about immortality, Alexander, has planted a deep seed in my mind. On our way home, I tried to smile to my kids, but inside I felt dead. The words of the doctor “you have 4-6 months to leave” for some reason connected with “ we have to obtain immortality”

 Second medical opinion was the same – I had 4-6 months of life left. Or, after a complicated surgery- 8-12 months. But the surgery could have side effects – even paralysis.

My wife had a miscarriage a couple of days later. It was caused by her tremendous stress. The world collapsed around me and my family – I couldn’t work; we couldn’t pay rent. I did have life insurance; in case of my death my wife would receive 300,000 dollars. But if I commit suicide she would be left with nothing. I felt like a trapped animal…maybe, out of despair, said something hurtful to my wife, and she left. And took our kids with her. Thousand times I told myself to keep cool, to find strength, but – all was in vain. I went to visit my in-laws. I couldn’t recognize my mother-in-law – she became “black” of tears and grief. I saw my wife, came close to her and embraced her. Our eyes met…we communicated silently with glances, I saw my wife’s regrets and we shares tears of love, compassion and apology. She told me she loved me very much. We were back together again. And suddenly, I saw the book again. First Revelation of Aleksandr.”

“ I want to read this book”,-I said. Sure, my wife agreed. Having returned home, after getting our kids to bed, I went to a kitchen and started reading. My wife saidgoodnightand left.

I was reading and didn’t feel time or space. And not once I thought of my disease. I think, Alexander, you don’t fully understand the effect of your book to your readers, the value and uniqueness of the information that you share with humankind. It was way after 4.00 AM when I finally went to bed but I couldn’t fall asleep. In the morning I called my mother-in-law and asked her where she had got your book. And only then I called you directly. I was told that you had left for Israel. When I contacted you, I ordered a set of plates which you charge with information of turning back Biological Clock. I also re ad all your interviews and found faith in you and in the fact that you would save my life.

Time was not on my side. I decided to call you again – you were very attentive, listed to me with great patient and wisdom, and the advice you gave me during this conversation was very valuable. You supported doctor’s recommendation to go through chemo and radiation therapy. A month later I lost all my hair and weight. My kidneys started to fail, I was short of breath. Cancer was progressing. And only reading of your books kept me afloat. It stopped the time of death.

Another month has passed, and I couldn’t lift my right arm – it was all swollen.  I felt death breathing at my back. I was at the end of the rope, my oncologist confirmed the worst fears – medicine was helpless. One day, when I felt ready bad, I called my wife and asked her to come and visit me with the kids – at that time she spent most of her time with her parents. I wanted to say Farewell to my family. They came in the evening. I was in my bed, wrapped up with pillows and all possible tubing, connected to me.

My attending nurse left for the kitchen, while my family surrounded me. My wife kissed me Goodbye, and I felt her tears. I am sorry”, – she whispered and left the room, trying to cope with crying. With the utmost effort, I raised myself in bed and addressed to my kids: “My dearest! I love you SO much. You are grown up now – you have to understand that maybe tomorrow I could pass away. I wish I were alive and live long, but I am very sick. Please, stay together, help each other and always support your Mother. Please, promise me.” I turned away unable to hold tears. My kids were crying, too. They climbed into my bed, touching me, crying and asking not to leave them. My wife came back, tried to take them away, but she couldn’t. So we laid in my bed, hugging each other and the kids finally fell asleep.

Suddenly I saw that my room is being filled with some strange greenish-blue clouds, they were flowing right at me. Then some blinking violet light appeared and mixed with the cloud. I saw a rainbow in my bedroom. It was moving from one place to another floating through my room.. It must have some meaning, but what could that be?” I thought. And then I remember your words: Disease is a sign with the help of which we need to strive for selfperfection. And then another one: The biggest misconception is to take Fate for granted.

I was laying in bed enchanted with the colorful energies flying around me. I visualized your face, your eyes and I thought I saw You, Alexander. I had a feeling, I was going crazy. But I am NOT a crazy man! I saw you vividly, and I heard you say: “Every occurrence in life has its meaning”. And then…a real miracle happened. I was floating over my physical body while you, Alexander, got my scull open and took a brain tumor. And the tumor turned into a burning object, and then into ashes which you just shook off the palm of your hand. You closed my scull, and you were discovering small round objects around all my body. Those objects were the size and shape of a cherry – and you burned them. Suddenly all became dark.  And I felt deeply asleep.

And following the record of what happened in the morning (according to my wife):

Three doctors arrived and the decision was made to disconnect me from all life support. I was pale and looked unconscious, but all of a sudden, I smiled, and I started whispering something. I kept talking and turned into a baby – the character of your books and started to float along the stream of Time.

 I started my life over again as a tiny thinking fluid, connecting with other fluids until I got materialized .I was floating through Time of Eternity, I saw my relatives, my co-workers, even my dog! And I felt as if my body is being replenished with strength and health. After that I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was : my wife turned gray, and then I saw her smiling at me. During the time of my sleep she read both your books, and she also saw you and knew I would live! 

For the next 2 days I was drinking only water, and then I was able to walk to the bathroom and take a shower. We called for doctors. They consulted with each other and allowed me to take some food. I felt as if I was newly born. I could not help calling you. But you were in California at that time. I shared what had happened to me and I remember you advised me to fly to California to see you. Alexander, you and only you know what I had to go through on the way to my recovery. I am absolutely sure that I am still alive only because of you and thanks to your books “First Revelation of Aleksandr” and “Second Revelation of Aleksandr”. And also thanks to your interviews and your plates – they helped me to overcome excruciating pain. While reading your books I felt I understood every word you wrote. Your books helped me not to surrender; it will soon be 8 years that I am safe and sound and live quality life. I decided to write this letter, because you indeed help people to get out of very serious diseases, including oncology.

 Now, while reading your interviews over and over again, I am amazed about your deep knowledge and the way you help people to overcome their problems. I read many letters from your grateful patients and especially in your December 2011 interview – there was a letter how you helped to get rid of metastases in one oncology case. I have no doubts about the truthfulness of this letter. You plant seeds of Love, Light, you try to help everyone who come to you.

Thank you for being there for others.

With deep respect, Leonid Litman, Chicago.


– Well, of course, I have to apologize that this letter was made much shorter, but the essence of it I tried to convey. Alexander, do you remember this person?

– Not only I remember him, but we became good friends. And now I would like to say that, unfortunately, I cannot help everyone. I am not God Almighty. And the fact that some people got cured –it is more their achievement, then mine. – It seems like I can understand everything, but to imagine your Patient see you burning his tumor – is beyond me.

– I wanted to help him so desperately that my Thoughtform reached his sub consciousness and materialized into a visual reality, because we really don’t know full well the capacities of a human being. There was a time when I imagined myself standing near the wall and took a picture, and look: see what happened.

I am shocked. Is that how you Thoughtform work?

– Yes, and besides, I imagined a dog sitting at the wall

– There was a woman who wrote that these people who got to read your books are doomed to become defended by you. I also would like to add all your 46 interviews. In one of your interviews you mentioned you would never like to treat oncology again.


– Yes, I did mention that. The only way I would still help is by turning back their biological clock. And if some patients wouldn’t be able to visit me, I would recommend using my special plates that I charge specifically for them with unique information targeted to healing.

 -I know that you were offered to become a chairman of a lab research work to test and develop various methods of cancer treatment. I also know you got offers to practice your methods in private hospitals. Why  are you still on your own?

-Because I cannot be tied up to one specific place, I need to practice not only in oncology, but in autoimmune field, hematology, endocrinology, nervous pathology, urology, cardio and lung pathology and other areas. My knowledge and experience very often help in those fields where traditional medicine surrenders. Because I can connect the reason of this or that disease occurrence to the present condition of a patient. And I would like to practice in rejuvenation of a human’s body. I am always ready to cooperate with doctors, who take interest in what I do. I have gained tremendous knowledge and expertise in the area of life extension and reconstructive methods. I also offer food supplement – “Gippofain” that contains natural serotonin, and I can see how well it helps my patients

-By the way, it is a well-established fact in American medicine that normal quantities of serotonin could prolong one’s life up to 7-10 years! And researchers are still working to unveil serotonin’s potent qualities. Could you, Alexander, recap again with our readers the importance of serotonin healthy levels for our bodies?

-I will say it again, then: scientists highly value “Gippofain” as a very effective way to improve overall condition and provide quality life for much longer.

At 64th Annual Scientific Conference of the American Psychosomatic Society scientists came to a conclusion that lack of serotonin in a body could lead to serotonin deficiency syndrome.

A daily dose of serotonin of an adult should be 6-12 mg. To get it from natural food you would need to eat, for instance, 5kg of bananas, or 2 kg of chocolate or 15 kg of walnuts. This is practically impossible. Therefore, it would only be necessary to take 3 pills of serotonin to replenish the body with serotonin in needed levels. There are no side or habit forming effects. There are many other food suppliments that claim to increase serotonin levels, but only “Gippofain” supplies serotonin, not forces the body to produce it alongside with hormones, which could be dangerous. Besides, researchers determined that serotonin deficiency could lead to multiple complications: depression, psychotic misbalance, aggression, maniac depression, suicidal syndrome, bulimia, panic attacks, problems with sexual activity in men and women.

On the contrary, normal levels of serotonin increase mental activities, intellect, restores memory. Some cardiology cases are also connected with serotonin deficiency. Serotonin helps fighting with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, mental disorders, multiple sclerosis, Sharko disease, and many many others.

Moreover, serotonin helps activate vitamin and mineral absorption, lowers cholesterol levels, helps restore muscular dystrophy. Scientists are convinced that serotonin treatment should be similar to diabetic treatment with insulin. Yes, at present there are so many amazing discoveries about serotonin that it could become a separate issue for the whole medical publication. But the main advantage of serotonin is its ability to SLOW DOWN AGING PROCESS?. And we all know that slowing down aging is extending our life and stopping or delaying the dangerous effect of free radicals (that could sometimes cause development of cancer)

The food supplement that I so strongly recommend is especially potent to those people with immune deficiency, thyroid problems, kidney problems and adrenal glands. Japanese scholars found out serotonin effective influence in radiation treatment, helps regaining muscle tissue. Sometimes, women who cannot conceive babies should take serotonin to increase reproduction effect. And also it is effective to fight post-menopausal syndrome.

Research work done in two independent laboratories of US showed the pureness of “Gippofain” and its undisputed high quality of serotonin content. I  am still amazed at growing list of cases when this supplement really helped.

-How is it administered?

– It is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day at meal time, since it helps absorbing vitamins and minerals contained in food. By the way, this is one more advantage of “Gippofain” over other food supplements.

 -Are there any side effects?

– Practically, none. But I always recommend people with blood disorders to consult with the doctor prior to taking a course.

– There are many letters with inquiries about anti hemorrhoid cream HEEL BHI? that helped a lot of people to avoid surgery. And I would like to thank you today for introducing to our readers such cream as VILASAN(made is Switzerland) that helps muscle and joint pain. Since it is made with homeopathic ingredients it eliminates any allergic or side effects.

 These are multiple positive ratings on the use of the cream – it helped people with arthritis, arthrosis, gout, inflammation of tissues, traumas and other cases.

Would you like to add anything at the end of our interview?

-I would like to wish everyone good health, longevity and remind our readers about one Chinese saying: Don’t praise the new or scold the old – just try!

– Alexander, would you remind our readers about the phone to place orders?

– Anyone can call (718) 368-0777 and ask for Lyudmila or leave a detailed message so she could return a call. For those who would like to see me in California, the number is (646) 530-8028. I will start seeing patients in April

– I want to remind once more – don’t buy “Gippofain” from anyone else, it could be a dangerous counterfeit.

Thank you for your interview

                                                                        B. Shchmidt

For an appointment in NY – (718) 891- 0873.

To order books, food supplement GIPPOFAIN , cream HEEL BHI cream VILASAN  –  (718) 368 – 0777.

Please, send checks or money orders to:

Alex Tarashchansky P.O. BOX 350-821, Brooklyn, NY 11235

”First Revelation of Aleksandr” in English or in Russian – $20; «Second Revelation of Alexandr» Russian only – $20.

 If you want to purchase all interviews with Alexandr both in English and in Russian, please, send $45.00 plus $8 shipping & handling for the set. Shipment to Canada require additional $15.00

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