Interview 77
– What exactly can you offer?
– To study the impact of hormonal bonds on organs and their effect on the body, as well as the impact of hormonal changes on the formation of proteins, and the influence of biorhythms on hormone production and cell division.
I think it will help in treatment of oncological diseases and will help to prevent the DNA breakage. The connection of hormones and bacterial-viral infections, fungal mutagenic symbioses, as well as signals from hormones to organs and cell clusters, have not been studied yet. That’s why I think that hormones are the triggers of oncological processes, and at the same time they may activate the battle against them.
Everything depends on genetic bonds and the activation of protection receptors, as well as on the body resistance to viruses.
Hormone secretion helps us to cope with and ovecome viral diseases. Even the increase and the drop of blood pressure I connect to the hormonal impact. We don’t know anything about vitamins, though they interact with hormones. We don’t know anything about the impact of antibiotics on hormones and vice versa.
And my last assumption is that hormones affect the process of regeneration and the rate of telomere shortening, which impacts the life span.
Vitamin D is produced in the body under the impact of sun rays and due to the hormones. But their intake as medication may result in unforeseeable consequences. People must realize that the healthy lifestyle is the only way to remedy the situation. I rephrase the old saying «Medicine helps those who help themselves».
– Have you developed any meditation or method which could contribute to the recovery of the hormonal bonds between the organs?
– In one of my earlier interviews I said that I would like to compose a table on how outside hormonal impacts affect the organs, the entire body, the hormonal compounds and their bonds, depending on the biorhythms of the body. But I do not have enough time for that. Therefore I developed a system that will allow the body to secrete more powerful hormones to heal the organs and the entire body. And the remedy is pain, just pain.
– I don’t understand you.
– Pain is one of the main components of the protective system of the body, while the thought-form is a transmission of information from the brain to any organ as a command to recuperate (I disclosed this in my previous interviews).
I embed many thought-forms in the helixes that I developed. One of the thought-forms is for regeneration, as I mentioned before.
Very few scientists understand that regeneration is a hormonal process in the body that is associated with life extention.
Judge for yourself — when there are major burns of the body and skin cells there have died, the body begins to build up scar tissues. I think they are formed by the growth and insulin hormones. And now follow my thought — if growth hormones participate in regeneration, their link to longevity is obvious!
I consider pain as one of the forms of homeopathy («like cures like»). I came to this conclusion a long time ago, and I use this method not only to help myself but to help others as well.
Patients who have come to see me in my office, know that I put my hands on the area of pain. To those who cannot come to see me and who have for example liver or spleen disorders, I recommend to press the area where you sensate pain/discomfort. Hold your hand or any object on this area for a few minutes, and you will feel a relief.
– Can your helixes be used for this purpose?
– The spheres on top of the helixes are specifically designed for those purposes. The above mentioned recommendation is for people who don’t have my helixes. Those who DO have my helixes know how they help not only to eliminate pain but to renew their lives and come out of problems.
– It’s hard for me to connect those things because I am not a geneticist, or a biologist, or a chemist.
– Look, if thanks to the process of regeneration young healthy cells come up to replace the burnt tissues, it means that they can become the leaders of renovation and rejuvenation of the entire body, hence they can take part in the life extention. Our body does have this mechanism.
I assume that it can be linked to the mutations in the hormone and protein receptors. That’s why I pointed out that hormones affect the process of telomere shortening, which leads to our aging and our journey to another world.
It’s interesting to mention that antioxidants which reduce the extent of damage by free radicals, are also hormones.
Any acids and alkaloids in the human body are hormones. But there are many hormonal compounds that are detrimental for humans — first of all it is fungus/mold.
That’s it, Mr. Shmidt. I think I answered all your questions.
– Are oncological diseases also caused by hormones?
– Absolutely. It is a hormonal imbalance of the body, as well as genetic error caused by mutation in cell divisions.
– Alexander, how have you come to this conclusion?
– All my conclusions are based on my contemplations, guesswork, knowledge of medicine and other sciences.
Our skin is the biggest organ of the body. For example, if we cut our finger it heals promptly (depending on how deep the cut is). My line of reasoning was: our skin has a wonderful property — regeneration, or self-recovery. So through the skin we can send signals to repair any organs.
For 40 years I have been looking for something that could additionally help a person best of all to get rid of the problems. And I came to the conclusion that it would be the ability to control and manage his own thought-forms.
Then I began to research what helps them to achieve the goal. And I concluded that it’s our hormonal compounds. I have read a lot of books on hormones and on how they affect the body, and I came to the conclusion that their chemically synthesized analogues are not harmless — maybe even dangerous. So I began to search for what can replace them that can be found in food.
It turned out to be a lengthy process. Once when I had a stomachache (most probably due to food poisoning)
I went to the bathroom at the Amsterdam Airport, came up to the sink and rested/pressed my belly against it. I repeated it several times. I was surprised to realize that my pain was gone and I felt much better.
There’s always a chance that an occasional event can become a discovery. After that I began to affect my seriously ill patients by pressing on some specific areas that I had studied; and I managed to bring some of them out of coma. There were many cases when I helped to recover the lost functions after strokes, heart attacks, pareses, etc.
– Alexander, I admire your amazing knowledge. You often reveal such methods that official medicine has not even come near to. Your methods have been used by health care practitioners. About 6-7 months ago I saw some recommendations of a doctor (in a printed publication) who advised for the purpose of restoring memory and preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, to switch to writing with one’s left hand if you are a right-hander and vice versa. You advised this method long before his advertisement.
– There is nothing wrong about it. I am glad that some doctors and healers are able to help their patients using my methods. Moreover, if doctors and healers call me, I will gladly answer there questions at the time when I am not busy.
– I think you discovered a new direction in medicine and nonconventional treatment, and both can utilize it.
– I just get to the root of the matter, while members of the medical community specialize in something specific and they are unable to train doctors who would be fully qualified in all medical problems.
Secondly, medical community relies on machines, robots that will give the correct diagnosis. Nobody knows when it happens, but I hope for the best.
In the old days there were doctors who used their own methods to treat various diseases. Unfortunately, nowadays there are no such doctors.
Interestingly enough, all of them healed patients using nonconventional shamanic methods.
Now, cats and dogs can determine the presence of cancer in humans better than any device; they heal many illnesses without medication. Dolphins, horses, cows, pigs can do this too.
This is due to the fact that their chromosomes similar to human. They also heal us homeopathically, secreting hormonomorphines in the form of volatile compounds. Cats and dogs are endowed with certain intelligence, so their thought-form is as material and healing as the one of a human being.
– I recall your story about having met a woman in Sochi (former Soviet Union) whose dog that had died in a car accident, prompted/predicted her life events in her dreams.
You told this story in one of your first interviews. But I still remember it.
Independent researchers suggest that medicine has been losing its positions due to going from one extreme to the other.
For example, wine is beneficial, then it is very harmful, then it’s beneficial again, etc.
Coffee elevates blood pressure; other researchers say that 3-4 cups a day lower blood pressure.
Vitamin C helps in treatment of serious illnesses, but only in megadoses; other scientists disclaim it saying that vitamin C cause formation of stones. There are thousands of similar examples.
What can you say about it?
– Yes, that’s true. But about 10 years ago I gave you one of my numerous meditations with medication; you published it in one of my earliest interview. So one can get it by ordering my interviews.
Now scientists have come to the conclusion that placebo effect is a mechanism of evolution! Its essence lies in the fact that a person thinks he is undergoing treatment, and his body responds to an inert preparation made, for exmaple, of starch or ground seeds, sometimes 2-3 times better than of those who are not treated.
– What is the main idea of this treatment and its effect?
– The secret lies in the fact that the immune system is boosted, and during the entire period of illness it is more active than usual.
The leading cells — the killers — are allocated. I mentioned above that the immune system is associated with the secretion of certain hormones. That’s why scientists need to focus on the production of medications that will not traumatize other organs and will not have side effects. And the main thing is that they should activate those hormones and cellular compound that will kill tumors and viruses.
I’d like to offer my recommendations on how to enhance vitamin C. One should imagine the taste of a lemon, or an orange, etc. in his mouth.
Taste receptors are connected to the brain. Taste blindness (ageusia) may be one of the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. I embed in my patented helixes the «placebo effect».
– What does it mean?
– I spoke about regeneration before — if it helps to heal the wounds and repair organs, it means that a process of the formation of leading strong young cells is taking place in the body.
After much deliberation, I came to the conclusion that they are stem cells because they are so strong that can cope with cancer. I managed to transfer to my personal helixes the thought-form of the formation of strong young leading cells that are probably the stem cells that are all-powerful.
When I felt that my helixes were able to help me even more than before, I started to transfer those properties on all helixes which I send to people. That’s why I’ve been getting so many letters of gratitude.
– I think you are really a unique healer, your knowledge is unparalleled. How have you come to it?
– You don’t have to praise me. Once I came across a report that in Israel they saved three metastatic cancer patients using stem cells; after three sessions of cell therapy, patients demonstrated a stable improvement, and then a full recovery of the body. There was no information on side efects of the therapy.
After that, I decided to embed in my helixes the thought-form on the generation of certain leading stem cells that must prevent many mutations in the body.
– How can your helixes help?
– I will tell you about the first part of my thought-form and my reasoning. But the second part is my secret.
So, our illnesses are caused by symbioses and mutations in the cellular structures. My reasoning was as follows — if illnesses, especially cancers, are caused by mutations, it is necessary to carry out a TRANSMUTATION, i.e. a conversion of one type of cells to another. It can be done with the help of a thought-form. I made sure of that hundreds of times. Can you recall my example of affecting fish in my friend’s fish tank by my thought-form?
– Yes, I remember that. They changed their color.
– Well done! You have a good memory and I praise you for that.
– Because I take your food supplement Serotonin Luxe, which is natural and pure.
– Please note that my helixes are made of copper; and our body contains copper. It means that because our body has copper and all elements of the periodic table, we can transfer the fluids of our wishes onto the metal. That’s why my helixes can help even those people who have lost hope. My helixes are unique. I was granted a US patent for them.
This is my secret that I cannot disclose due to the «omnipotence» of pharmaceutical companies.
– Sorry to hear that, but I know that your helixes help people.
We have been getting many letters where people report that they put helixes next to a container of water and ask helixes to transform water into medication that «will heal their soul and body». People also report that your helixes help them in an unfathomable way.
A woman wrote to us that when her houseplant got sick and withered, she put your helix into a gallon container of water for 24 hours and then used it to water the plant which got stronger and gave flowers.
Another person wrote that after several fish died in his fishtank he got an idea to put the helix into the tank for a few hours. All fish surrounded the helix and stayed focused around it until it was taken out. No more fish died.
He also wrote that he looked through the small conical helix, and his vision improved to the extent that he no longer needed a cataract surgery.
Here is one more interesting letter.
… «Alexander, your books bring light and insight. I was sure that I would never be able to come out of the state of despair. My friend who had been depressed and desperate for many years, advised me to read your wonderful books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and your interviews.
When I read them all I realized that I became a different person — I am the highest substance, I am a steadfsat person (like a hard sign in the Russian alphabet), and I am not ? shapeless mass as I used to be. I am a personality, I want to live and to create, I want to cognize the higher consciousness, to enjoy the events around me. When I bought your three helixes I gained confidence in the future. Even when I go to a better world, I know my place in it. When I first saw the helixes I had no doubt about their positive effect on the body. To call them unique is to underestimate them. They are the embodiment of the new epoch in our world of lawlessness and heartlessness, where’s nothing is sacred, where’s deception, wars and profiteering on the sufferings of others predominate and rule.
All you recommend — your books, your interviews, your helixes — demonstrate that you care about people, and they have no analogues.
I believe that you have a connection with extraterrestrial intelligence and meet aliens from other planets.
I wish you happiness and success in your endeavors for the benefit of people.
With the greatest sense of gratitude, Polina Glaizer, California».
– I join her in her acknowledgment of your helixes that are unique and help people so much.
I’d like to add that today there is nothing in the world that would benefit people so much, like the helixes. I knew before that you understand medicine thanks to your knowledge of other sciences. Now I am sure that you are a thinking person who can logically correlate various versions of the origin of the most tangled, complicated and confusing problems, and you can help people to heal.
I cannot name a single doctor or a healer who is able to talk about the medical issues like you do.
You really refer to the root of the problem. That’s why we are flooded with letter reporting how much you’ve helped people.
– Well, Mr. Shmidt, you quite flattered me. It is just that my perception of the world differs from other people’s perception.
I want to help ALL people, but that’s quite impossible. And today I’d like to apologize to those people who left me messages and I have not called them back yet. I will definitely call back everyone.
– In Polina Gaizer’s letter she says that when she goes to a better world, she knows her place in it. What do you think about it?
– In the past, I thought that there is nothing permanent under the sun. But now I can state that there is a real life after our physical death (there is afterlife). The only thing one needs to do is during his life to set up the thought-for for life extension.
– How can one do this?
– I cannot advertise my books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and all my previous interviews. Also, the owners of the helixes can get individual information for the implementation of the planned, because our thoughts are material. My helixes encompass all that mankind has accumulated during the existence of civilization.
– I hope in our next New Year’s eve interview you’ll tell our readers why you think our thoughts are material.
– With pleasure.
– Alexander, now I understand why people respond well to your treatment — because your knowledge is unique.
Now I’d like to talk about colonic therapy for intestines cleansing. Do you think that healthy microflora guarantees general health?
– Scientists from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) came to the conclusion that healthy gut microflora is the basis for longevity and health.
Atherosclerosis results in reduced amount of bacteria that produce anti-inflammatory compounds, hence a person becomes more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation.
Moreover, the intestine microflora can advance atherogenesis by preserving the chemical compounds from fatty food which results in plaque buid-up on blood vessel walls.
This plaques can cause heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, blindness, hypertension, autoimmune diseases and even death.
Scientists came to the conclusion that healthy GI microflora is the basis for normal healthy life. Healthy microflora prevents/stops Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, depression, obsession, it improves sleeping habits, helps to cope with cramps and shortness of breath.
Soon scientists will be doing microflora tests which will be more effective than blood tests.
Body cleansing helps to restote the immune system, memory and vision.
Colonic therapy washes out fecal and slag impactions and removes heavy metals from the body.
If you ask me what is life, I’d say it’s a balance of microorganisms, bacteria and hormones.
Whatever you do to cleanse GI on your own or fast, you won’t be able to clean your intestines completely.
I had 7 sessions of colonic therapy. I feel no fatigue or any side effects. After the session they introduce live bacteria in your guts that kill the residual putrefactive flora which results in rejuvenation and renovation of body.
In this office they also clean ears which improves hearing ability and eliminates headaches.
– I can confirm the above because I had 7 sessions of colon cleansing and now I feel 30 years younger (I am 53). I believe in the benefits of colonic, as I believe in anything that you offer to people.
I take your food supplement Serotonin Luxe that contains pure natural serotonin, use your helixes, and I am happy to have them.
I read your books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and your interviews again and again, and I admire your knowledge. They transfer me to another dimension.
Concluding our interview I’d like to ask you if you are going to perfom the resetting of the «Biological Clock» (that you developed) when you come back to New York?
– Yes, I will. Now I have improved my technique.
My friend, a tibetan lama gave me a gift 5 years ago — a unique bowl that vibrates (when hit) and restores the body on the cell level. This bowl is 400 years old.
I tested it with a group of patients last year in California. Its effect was amazing.
I’m afraid to put a hex on it, but 3 out of 14 cancer patients felt obviously better which was confirmed by medical tests.
Others got rid of nervous breakdowns and depression; a Parkinson’s patient developed a steadier gait. While I conducted only two sessions.
As lama expalined to me, the sound and vibration of this bowl balance Yin and Yang of our organs that start functioning harmoniously and smoothly. Mr. Shmidt, I think I answered all your questions.
– Almost. Do people need to book an appointment with you to reset the «Biological Clock», or they can just walk in from 2PM to 8PM? And what are the phone numbers to set up an appointment with you and with a colonic therapist?
– These are two different phone numbers. To see me at 2701 Ocean Ave. you can call (718) 891-0873.
Please leave a clear message with you phone number, otherwise I cannot call you back.
To get a colon cleansing please call (718) 336-2818.
– Thank you for your interesting interview.
– I would like to warn all of you one more time against buying the food supplement Serotonin Luxe from other dealers because it can be a counterfeit.
Interviewed by V. Shmidt
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