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Treatment Cases

I use the method of “resetting the biological clock” that I developed a while ago, and that allows to rejuvenate the human body, i.e. to return to the condition when it was stable and strong.

Cerebral palsy

… And suddenly, I saw a woman pushing a large child in a homemade wheelchair. I stopped paying attention to the people surrounding me, and concentrated all my attention on the ill child. I kept thinking about the diagnosis, and finally realized that he had cerebral palsy. I knew that I could help him, so I approached the woman and offered my help. She agreed as soon as she heard me name the correct diagnosis, and invited us to her home. The first day, I treated him for about an hour. The boy was 4.5 years old, but he could not even hold up his head. In the evening we returned home, and the following morning, the boy’s relatives arrived and told us that they’ll give us anything we want if I can help him. After the session, the boy could raise his head independently. We went back together, and I worked with the child every day.

After 7 or 8 days, he was able to stand, and when we were leaving, he was there to see us off, holding his mother’s hand. The story of this case spread, and many other people started asking us for help, but my vacation was coming to a close and we had to go home.


… Only 4 years after that, I came back to Sukhumi, to an Olympic gym where the best athletes of the former USSR trained and strengthened themselves. So, my old friends asked me to help a sick man, I was free, and I agreed. They brought me to his house. As soon as I saw him, I realized that he had a florid case of schizophrenia. He smelled bad, was unshaven, and was very unfriendly to others. I had a lot of experience dealing with this disease, but in this case it was difficult, because he had spent 21 years in a psychiatric ward and had almost completely forgotten Russian at that point, while I could speak neither Georgian nor Abkhazian. I made a plan and began by walking back and forth in his room; he looked at me for about 2 hours, and then laid down and fell asleep. My walking had a hypnotic effect on him; in addition, I was singing a monotonous lullaby. Continuing to sing, I sat at his bedside and started to impress it into his mind that he is young, that he can speak Russian, and then I called his name and told him that it was 1958, the year he got sick. I knew that he was the manager of a cafeteria, who was beaten and robbed, but instead of handing over the funds of the cafeteria, he gave the robbers his own money, and after that began suffering from paranoia. I told him that he was at work, that he is seeing the cooks, their helpers, and remembering all their names. A car horn honked loudly right under the window, and I worried that it would wake him up, but even that noise proved useful. I told him that it was the produce truck, and that he had to unload it. Under hypnosis, he said the name of the driver. I asked him where to unload it, and he said “Third door down, and put the meat and chicken in the refrigerator”, and then suddenly said that he had to count the day’s earnings, since the company was coming to pick them up. I asked “How much?” and he responded “2182 roubles”. I intensified the hypnosis and then went into the next room and asked his sister to get that sum of money immediately. After 20 minutes I had it, and I came back and told him that the money was there, that no one beat him, and that tomorrow he would give that money to the cashier, and that when he wakes up tomorrow, he should shave, wash, and dress neatly. I put the money in the pocket of his suit. That day, I spent no less than 6 hours with him. The next day at 5:30AM, I was awakened by a knock at the door; his sister with her husband were there, in a state of wild excitement: “Doctor, let’s go there at once, such a thing has happened, we can’t believe our eyes, he has recovered!” I got dressed, and 30-40 minutes later I encountered a clean-shaven, washed, fresh-smelling man. The amazing thing was that he recognized me, shook my hand, and said “Thank you so much for what you’ve done for me!” And – incredibly – he spoke Russian. But now, I had to convince him that he didn’t have to go to work; I used hypnosis there too. That afternoon, a nurse arrived to give him a shot and was amazed to see him so well; then doctors arrived, including the head of the clinic, talked to him, and agreed to leave him at home. When I was leaving, he drove me to the airport, and for the next 6 or 7 years, he sent me presents and came for visits. He never returned to the hospital.

Apparently, I reset his biological clock – it happened independently of me. I see this phenomenon relatively often. It could be that by my intervention I opened some new part in his brain, and blocked some other part, erasing its memory.

Megalomania (grandiose delusions), Dissociative identity disorder (multiple distinct identities)

… In Austria I had a patient with three identities. The man had a mania; he thought he was the Devil, Satan, and an imp all at once. For five years, he would not leave his apartment; he had cut up all his things including his shoes. All that time, he would not cut his hair – it reached his waist. He was unusually clean and unusually aggressive. He was not susceptible to hypnosis. He was a smart, well-read man, a Catholic, spoke 7 languages. Before his illness, he had been studying to be a doctor. To cure him, I had to play a clever, complicated game. The first thing I told him was that I also love the music of Chopin, Wagner, Mozart, and Bach – I saw some CD boxes on his table. He invited me to take a seat, asked me questions about America. When I told him about things he did not want to hear, he yelled, “Do you know who I am?” I replied that I did not. He said that he came to conquer injustice, spoke in three different voices, his eyes reddened and his mouth contorted in a grimace. He spoke about such things that I thought he was reading my mind. Having never seen me or my family, he talked about it in detail, told me when my mother was born, how old my children were and what profession they will choose, even that my son had been in the Army and served on a tank. He said that he cursed all people, but could not curse me, because I was protected by God.

As for me, I started telling him everything I knew about the devil, and then I had an inspiration. I told him that the Devil does not feel pain; he replied that he could not feel pain either. Then I stood up and pinched his arm, and he screamed: “It hurts!” And then I saw that that was the path by which he could return to normal life. The first thing I did was to convince him that he is now just Satan, not the Devil. Satan does not have long hair. He went into the next room and started thinking aloud. I overheard him saying that he was not the Devil, since he had some human qualities; I replied aloud “Yes, my son”, and sneaked away from the door. When he returned to the room, I told him that he had to cut off his hair at once, and asked him about scissors. He brought them and I cut his hair neatly, and then he added some finishing touches to his haircut. With great regret he said: “Now I am no longer the Devil”.

The next day, I was there at 11am. He did not react to me in any way; just sat there listening to Bach. I saw a lot of torn-up books in the kitchen and asked him why he had done it. The answer was simple: “You ordered me to do it, and I obey your orders”. Then I asked him to clean it all up, and he started cleaning at once. By my request, his relatives brought him clothes, and I managed to lead him outside. I argued that Satan should know and see everything, while he had not left the house in many years. He gave in, and we went out to the fresh air. He fitfully ran, then stopped, then complained of feeling ill, reacted badly to other people. We sat in the park, and he remembered that he used to come there to listen to music, to see performances. Gradually, I got him talking, and he started to tell me the story of his life.

… he renounced the role of Satan, too. I saw the results of my work after 7-8 days, when we could walk together, talk, go to the movies. The last obstacle was the Imp. In addition to talk therapy, I started to act on his aura, trying to block the old memories and open up a new chakra. Before I arrived, he used to throw all his prescribed medicines into the trash, but at the time, he started taking them regularly. And whereas before, he claimed to be the Satan, Devil, and Imp in one, after 10-12 days of work he no longer even recalled it. Soon, I saw the change. He returned to normal life, started going to the gym and looking after himself, started to work.

Severe condition of “unknown” etiology.

… When I still lived in the former USSR, I was called in to a hospital to see a dying patient. When I saw him, I sensed that his problem was located around his head. “Maybe these are phantom pains,” I thought; when I began my examination of the patient, I found a heightened vibration in the area of his throat and lower jaw. The man was 43 years old; his whole body was swollen. He groaned with pain from the lightest touch. He had painful spasms, his lips were blue, and even morphine could not ease his pain. I asked to allow me to examine his mouth. He had a gold dental bridge, and some stainless steel teeth next to it.

First I thought that the bridge may had been badly fitted, but it was perfect. I tapped on his teeth – it did not hurt him. And then, as I described many times in my interviews, I had a revelation: a difference in potential. This is what a knowledge of physics can do. I suggested to his relatives that they should take him to a dentist, remove the bridge, and never put the same bridge back. That same day, he took a turn for the better; he followed all my recommendations, including the one to walk barefoot on the ground, and only three days after, with no medicines, he was back to normal. This is why I think that a computer can never replace a real thinking doctor, though, alas, there are so few of those left. Also, doctors must work together with physicists, mathematicians, biologists, and other specialists.

The accurate diagnoses

I am proud of the fact that a correct diagnosis I made saved a man from a leprosarium. He was diagnosed with Hansen’s disease, but it actually was a severe skin tuberculosis.

I have also had patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and could help some of them.

When I was in Austria, I could help AIDS patients. Those who followed my recommendations are still alive to this day.

Another patient of mine had a high temperature that was not controlled by antibiotics or any other medicines; it turned out he had Crohn’s disease.

Four years ago, I saw a child who was diagnosed with epilepsy; I could not agree with that diagnosis, and asked that a test for Lyme disease be performed. The following week, his doctor called me to thank me. I was right; the boy was bitten by a tick. He did not have to take the anti-epilepsy medication he had been taking for 1.5 years.

I recommended a man, who was paralyzed due to a stroke, to take female hormones. After that, he was able to walk and his bodily functions were completely restored. How did I arrive at that treatment? I always try to use the experience of traditional medicine as well as alternative medicine; the main goal is to heal the person. I arrived at that by trial and error and searching for a way to help the patients. My idea was that since women heal faster than men, increasing the amount of female hormones in a man’s body would speed up healing; when that worked, I began to recommend this method to speed up healing after strokes, paralysis, cuts, etc.

Grow or lengthen limbs or restore them after amputation

When I treat a person, I infuse not just a feeling of heat, but also molecular information. When I treated people with amputated limbs, they told me that they feel phantom pain, heat sensation, or prickling, in a leg, foot, or arm that they no longer have. This led me to the thought that with a phantom thought-form one can grow or lengthen limbs or restore them after amputation. While this is a very lengthy process in adults, I got good results with children. One girl had a leg that was 9 cm shorter than the other one. After a year of treatment, it grew to the point that it was the same length as the healthy leg. A boy had a left arm that was atrophied from birth; after treatment, it began to actively grow and eventually caught up with the other arm in size. Another case involved a child who was born with an underdeveloped hand and fingers; after my treatment, it began to grow and attained normal size.

I had several cases like that. One of my adult patients had an arm that withered after an accident. I was able to help him. If a lizard can regrow its tail, we can also restore our limbs. Thus, we can restore our own limbs by thought-forms – for a thought-form is an energy substance that becomes a material substance. You can imagine growing your own bone. All I do is start the process.

Wilson’s disease

Let me tell you about one case from my practice. A sick fellow from Hong Kong came to me, he could not get the right diagnosis from anyone anywhere. He was 18 at that time. He fell ill when he was 4. His illness would stop for 2-3 years, and then would come back with still severer relapses. He staggered. He was experiencing the atrophy of hand, arm, leg and all body muscles. Nothing would help him, even non-traditional Chinese medicine. The doctors threw up their hands. First, I thought he had the Lyme disease, or rather the complications that set up after it. Then I thought it was an ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease). He walked bending as an old man, hardly moving his feet. I ruled out the Bekhterev’s disease at once, as he performed the test that I had developed for the early diagnosis of the said disorder. There were no plaques in the brain and the spine cord. There were some abnormalities of iron and bilirubin blood count, he took a lot of antibiotics when a child, he had mouth candida, and dysbacteriosis. I advised his parents to get micronutrients tests done on his blood and hair. As I said before, if I disagree with doctors on the diagnosis, or I hesitate to give a diagnosis, I recall similar cases. Only at night, it dawned on me that it was the Wilson’s disease – because of the candida his body absorbed copper the wrong way. When the patient got the tests done to confirm that I was right, I was able to help him to recover.

Aftersurgery internal fistula

In Boston a surgeon who was considered to be a foremost doctor, conducted an operation which I considered to be unnecessary. The medical insurance paid him $175,000 for the 6-hour surgery. Though my patient’s surgery suture wound would not heal, the doctor said that everything was OK, as it was supposed to be. My patient developed fever up to 102-104?F, this foremost surgeon still kept saying that everything was OK. My patient was given the strongest antibiotics, but they were not helping him. I told his relatives that I felt a fistula inside his body where the surgery suture was. Only after an X-ray was done on the patient, which confirmed that I was right, that falsely foremost surgeon agreed to operate on him one more time to remove the fistula. Having chosen the treatment, I was able to stop the inflammation and scar the wound.

I am not biased against doctors, I just want to remind that you must treat each and every patient as you want to be treated yourself. For me it is an axiom.

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