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Interview 76

Not only the latter survived, but he is currently the head of the lab in the local hospital. That’s the role of the immune system. But it can become our enemy if it disconnects from the brain.

How does it happen?

– It’s easy to cite an example. I think that all autoimmune illnesses are the result of malfunction of the brain which normally connects to all body organs and controls them.

While the brain is in symbiotic interaction with them, they function consistently and smoothly. But when a virus gets its way in the body, it adapts to the body cells like a chameleon, then it starts killing them; without knowing the «password» for brain/body organ communication, it sends a random signal that brain cannot recognize and hence does not respond to it. That’s the end of it. The connection disruption means no control of the body organ. At this point the organ is being attacked by viruses, bacteria and other germs.

To protect and to save itself, it secretes hormones because they contain a substantial ammount of copper. So, before, it functioned in synchronism with the brain. But now the brain does not help the organ and, without receiving any signals from it, the brain produces the substances that attack the said organ. The brain gives a signal to the immune, hormonal, endocrine, nervous systems to get involved, and they secrete hormones that try to destroy the said organ. This results in an autoimmune disease that is hard to treat.

Do you consider congenital diseases to be autoimmune?

– It depends. If some of close relatives in your kin had Lupus, for example, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren can develop it.

Same applies to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Wilson’s disease, Meniere’s syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and many other illnesses. On the other hand, cardio- and lung diseases, though one’s relatives may have had them, are treatable. Same applies to ulcerative colitis and other GI illnesses, to liver, kidney, thyroid diseases (except Hashimoto’s disease), bronze disease (Addison’s disease) and Gaucher’s disease.

Do you consider hypertension, bulimia, alcoholism, drug addiction, arthritis, gout, cancer to be autoimmune diseases?

– My «Yes» to arthritis, gout, cancer and hypertension, my «No» to drug addiction and alcoholism.

But I have an interesting idea about all autoimmune illnesses — the lack of signal between the organs can be repaired and restored by means of affecting the thymus gland and the subconscious, and by using my technique of «Resetting the Biological Clock».

Why do you think it will work?

– First of all, I personally knew people diagnosed with cancer and given 3 to 6 months to live.

In 6 months this person visits the doctor, he is retested and is found to be free of cancer!!!

This is likely to mean that the person used his thought-form to restore the broken communication between the brain and the cancerous organ. Our brain is a computer. Its command to delete cancer works immediately, as if we decided to delete a typed paragraph.

Alexander, I am dazzled by your knowledge.

– Just recall my maxim «Illness is a sign that we must use to perfect ourselves».

And secondly, people who I reset the Biological Clock will have 85% less problems with autoimmune diseases and cancer. I have all the grounds to claim that.

When I reset the Biological Clock of the body, I reconnect the broken bond between the brain and the organs. Indeed, scientists still don’t know anything about homeopathy, cell division, placebo effect, about brain function and its connection to body organs. Otherwise, there would be no autoimmune illnesses. On top of that, consider medicinal preparations that were not sufficiently tested and that impact our genetics.

The aforecited story about a man who self-recovered from Ebola fever, supports the concept of the uniqueness of our brain and its unlimited capabilities.

When in January 2014 I announced the sessions for resetting the Biological Clock, I was flooded with comers and had no time to see my regular patients. Then I said I would see them on weekends from 2PM till 11PM.

Now I have been getting so many acknowledgments that I am amazed how well it worked out. When I am back in New York I will repeat my improved method of resetting the Biological Clock.

If you embed in your helixes a special thought-form about the reset of the Biological Clock, can an owner of the helix get this information from it?

– Absolutely. Meditating with a bigger Conical Helix of Alexander, a smaller Conical Helix of Alexander and a Cylindrical Helix of Alexander one can boost the thinking capacity and cope with illness. Those helixes are given to people for a reason — to perfect themselves and to restore the lost connection between the brain and the sick organs and thus to win the battle with illness.

They are unique in their concept. And you were granted patents for them which means that there are no analogues in the world. Alexander, what are the patent numbers?

– It is D712112 for the Cylindrical Helix, and D712114 for the Conical Helix.

Now I’d like to publish one of the numerous letters that we’ve got. I think you’ll find it interesting.

Dear Alexander, my mother passed away 4 months ago, she was 92. About 11 months ago she bought all your helixes. When I would come to visit her I would see her with you Cylindrical Helix in her hands.

She told me that thanks to the helixes she felt much bettershortness of breath, and leg and feet swelling were gone, she lost weight. Before, she would «watch» TV with her eyes closed, now she could cover the world news. I could not be happier. Her gait was getting steadier and more confident — instead of a walker she started using a cane. Sometimes she looked 20-30 years younger her age. Our phone converstations could last 30 minutes instead of 2-3 minutes in the past.

Now she had bright lively eyes. Her neighbors noticed dramatic changes in her.

Everything was going well. But a boy on a bicycle knocked her to the ground. She hurt her head and was hospitalized. A major hematoma caused her coma; to operate on her at this age was dangerous. On the 11th day her doctors suggested to disconnect her from the machines.

I paced her room and was beside myself. And suddenly I saw her purse, opened it and found a small conical helix. Following my third feeling I took it and put it in my mom’s hands.

She was motionless for 20-30 minutes and then she opened her eyes. I came up to hershe recognized me and smiled at me. Then she said, «When I die, put all three helixes in the coffin, but the cylindrical one put directly into my hands. If you do so, I will always be in contact with you and I will be able to help you».

With those words she slipped into coma again and passed away 2 days after.

One month after her death I saw her in my dream. She told me that the phone number I had been looking for was written on the receipt that was in the back pocket of the pants I wore when shopping.

It was 3AM but I went to the closet where I found the pants and the receipt with the phone number scribbled on it. This is not mysticism but an unexplainable phenomenon…


Stop. Alexander, what do you think about it?

– This is how the helixes affect the subconsciousness. The son touched the helixes twice — when he was in the hospital and put the small conical helix into his mother’s hands, and when he buried her and put all three of them in the coffin. In other words he had a contact with his mother via the helixes. But the main thing is that when he put the cylindrical helix in her hands, he entered his own information into it on the subconscious level. And the helixes perceived him as an additional owner. You know that the bigger Conical Helix and the Cylindrical Helix can be used by close relatives. The smaller Conical Helix is for individual use only. That’s why via his mother he got a prompt and found the lost item.

But that’s not the end of the letter. Let me continue.

In the morning I told my wife about it. She asked me in case I saw my mom in my dream again, to ask her about the other earring that got misplaced in the apartment.

That night I saw my mom in my dream again. She told me about a bad sign to leave the wallet on the tablethere won’t be money in the family. I woke up at 4:10AM and saw my wallet on the dinner table. I could not fall asleep anymore. Either she saw everything, or that’s how the helixes worked.

I was far from my mother’s wishes. But she had always said she sincerely believed in helixes and advised me to buy them. I bought all three helixes and played with them like with toys. In a few days, my wife and I would dispute who would hold the cylindrical helix. Once my wife asked the bigger Conical Helix where her misplaced earring was. She woke up in the middle of the next night because in her dream she was prompted where it was. «So where is it?» I asked. «It’s in the left curtain hem».

We went downstair (we own a house) and found it there. My wife was speechless. But the major thing happened to our daughter when she was admitted to college.

At night my mother came to her in her dream and advised her what topics/questions she should work on more thoroughly. Everything happened as had been predicted by my mother.

I had often headaches, they were so severe that no medication could help. Then I bought the copper plates from you. They helped me to overcome my headaches. And now, when I have your cylindrical helix, I hold it and I say to myself that my headache and liver pain are gone. I use it to fight my problems. And everything happens the way I ask to. My bradycardia has gone as well. This is mysticism.

My wife’s vision improved, and she stopped smoking.

I am very grateful to you for what you’ve been doing to people. I also thank you for your books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and for your interviews.

Your books make readers soar over their ignorance.

Sincerely grateful, Vsevolod Malitsevsky


After quoting this letter, I’d like to say «It’s never too late to learn». If I understand it correctly, this case reveals what you previously mentioned — the helix programmed the brain to send a command to eliminate headache, kidney pain, etc.

To my mind, your books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and your helixes, make the link that gives a person the opportunity to change his life.

What do you think about it?

– I am glad that the helixes I recommend, help people so much. Surely my books and my helixes make the link.

I cannot praise my own books but I am impressed by their content no less than the readers because they were given to people through me for a reason — so that a person would feel not like a pawn in someone’s game but would get a revelation he had never come in contact with before. The books encompass unique knowledge and help to bring out dormant capabilities.

Regarding the helixes — there are about 72,000 nerve endings on our palms and soles that are in charge of our organs. When you hold in your hands a cylindrical helix (that contains 99% copper, which is a conductor) it is easy for you to transmit commands to the brain and other body organs.

Moreover, copper is one of the best natural metals that prevents penetration of bacteria and viruses through your skin. In one of the hospitals in England, they conducted a study of aluminium door knobs and found thousands of various dangerous bacteria on them. When they replaced the aliminium knobs by the copper ones all bacteria were killed in 2-3 minutes.

In my previous interview I stated that scientists found out a positive effect of meditation on the human body.

Meditation affects the genes that epigenetically control the activity of other genes, as well as proinflammatory genes.

So I think that when one holds a helix in his palms (and the cylindrical helix is more convenient to hold), he boosts the body resistance to bacterial-viral diseases. It applies to AIDS, hepatitis B, C, D, tuberculosis, etc.

As reported in the letters we get, the helixes affect any body organs only in a positive way. I bought the helixes for my grandfather. He holds the smaller conical helixes while sleeping, and in the morning he holds the cylindrical helix for a few minutes and feels a surge of energy and clear mind. His urination improved, while constipation is gone. It’s a miracle.

– Yet it’s not a miracle. I think that the helixes can help even serious oncology patients, patients with strokes, heart attacks, benign tumors, hard-to-treat illnesses, after the surgeries.

As I mentioned before, the main thing in them is your command to your brain to cure the problematic organ. Mr. Shmidt, I think I answered all your questions.

Not yet. Now that you were granted your patents, do you think that someone may start manufacturing your helixes somewhere claiming to be your agent or distributor?

– I am not afraid of that for two reasons. Holding the patents, I can hold that manufacturer liable. And secondly, the helixes won’t work without the thought-form I embed in them. I think I gave you a satisfactory answer.

Not at all, Alexander. I asked you a quarter of the intended questions.

Have you heard about the studies in the University of Newcastle (Australia) that found out that when the thrombocytes start «repairing» the damaged organ they secrete serotonin?

The scientists determined that when the «repairs» of liver damaged by viruses B or C, by alcohol or by autoimmune illnesses begin, serotonin «commands» to restore the sick organsthis opens up the opportunities for the therapy of the future. What do you think about it?

– Of course serotonin is a divine hormone which extends life span, rejuvenates the body, brings joy and happiness. We can discuss it at length; I wrote about its benefits for the body in my previous interviews.

The food supplement Serotonin Luxe that I recommend to restore health, contains pure natural serotonin, its ingredients are unique and it has no analogues in the world.

It is hard to stay in the American market for five years, as it is taken by pharmaceutical giants. Every time we get the supplement, it is thoroughly checked in the lab; and if everything is fine it goes to the consumers.

The difference between our supplement and the one produced by others is that they sell serotonin formula 5HTP, while our formula is 5HT, which means that it has no chemical additives.

Serotonin affects the function of all organs.

Now  scientists manage to do something that is nearly impossible. Let me explain. The severity of liver disease depends on the balance between the formation of scar tissues and the regeneration of new cells. Scarring often causes cirrhosis, when the scars become big in size and cannot detoxify (filter) blood. Besides, scars increase the risks of developing cancer.

The scientists created receptors 5HT2B that affect the cells behavior by means of disabling regeneration and blocking it via serotonin receptors which in its turn activates the recuperation of liver and other organs.

We don’t know anything about HOW they managed to disable the normal regeneration of the body. It might be their secret. But the mere fact that serotonin contributes to the recovery of sick organs has been proved. Though it may take a few years to introduce this method into practice.

About 3 years ago a team of neurologists and anesthesiologists studied the ways our brain controls our heart, and they managed to clarify the higher risk of death from a heart attack, which one more time confirms your above statement that brain command can cure any pathology, like after a stroke some people recover sooner that the others, and some become crippled for the entire life.

This confirms one more time that our brain controls our organs and extremities. Do you agree with me?

– In one of my previous interviews I told that I managed to lift a woman’s arm paralized after a stroke for 26 years. I had quite a few cases like that.

I helped to rehabilitate children with cerebral palsy by removing the results of extensive hematomas, I helped to bring to a stop Charcot’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), multiple sclerosis.

Whatever I do comes with the reset of the Biological Clock of the body on the bio-molecular level. I affect the subconscious trying to amplify the signals from the brain to the damaged organs.

Hence it’s possible to restore the disconnected organs on the energy level.

Yes, I utilize a method of trial and error. And I often win the battle with the illnesses in those cases when the traditional medicine is ineffective. But I am not G-d and I cannot help everyone because each and every individual has his own mutation in the body.

There are no absolutely healthy people in the entire world. Scientists determine that there are about 3 million mutations in the human body. A practically healthy person may have 400-500 defective genes, a few of which can provoke dangerous disorders.

But it’s very important that a person can live with multiple mutations without feeling any harm to his health.

What does it mean?

– It means that were there no mutations, a person would not live. I repeat myself — science does not know yet whether mutations are good or bad.

And you?

– I can say that even mutations in the body ARE controlled by the brain; mutations take part in the metabolism and regeneration, mutations are linked to our hormonal immune systems. I think that due to mutations any disorders can be cured.

Alexander, now I understand why people speak highly of your treatment. Your knowledge is unique.

Now I’d like to talk about colonic therapy for intestines cleansing. Do you think that healthy microflora guarantees general health?

– Scientists from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) came to the conclusion that healthy gut microflora is the basis for longevity and health.

Atherosclerosis results in reduced amount of bacteria that produce anti-inflammatory compounds, hence a person becomes more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation.

Moreover, the intestine microflora can advance atherogenesis by preserving the chemical compounds from fatty food which results in plaque buid-up on blood vessel walls.

This plaques can cause heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, blindness, hypertension, autoimmune diseases and even death.

Scientists came to the conclusion that healthy GI microflora is the basis for normal healthy life. Healthy microflora prevents/stops Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, depression, obsession, it improves sleeping habits, helps to cope with cramps and shortness of breath.

Soon scientists will be doing microflora tests which will be more effective than blood tests.

Body cleansing helps to restote the immune system, memory and vision.

Colonic therapy washes out fecal and slag impactions and removes heavy metals from the body.

If you ask me what is life, I’d say it’s a balance of microorganisms, bacteria and hormones.

Whatever you do to cleanse GI on your own or fast, you won’t be able to clean your intestines completely.

I had 7 sessions of colonic therapy. I feel no fatigue or any side effects. After the session they introduce live bacteria in your guts that kill the residual putrefactive flora which results in rejuvenation and renovation of body.

In this office they also clean ears which improves hearing ability and eliminates headaches.

I can confirm the above because I had 7 sessions of colon cleansing and now I feel 30 years younger (I am 53). I believe in the benefits of colonic, as I believe in anything that you offer to people.

I take your food supplement Serotonin Luxe that contains pure natural serotonin, use your helixes, and I am happy to have them.

I read your books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander and your interviews again and again, and I admire your knowledge. They transfer me to another dimension.  

Concluding our interview I’d like to ask you if you are going to perfom the resetting of the «Biological Clock» (that you developed) when you come back to New York?

– Yes, I will. Now I have improved my technique.

My friend, a tibetan lama gave me a gift 5 years ago — a unique bowl that vibrates (when hit) and restores the body on the cell level. This bowl is 400 years old.

I tested it with a group of patients last year in California. Its effect was amazing.

I’m afraid to put a hex on it, but 3 out of 14 cancer patients felt obviously better which was confirmed by medical tests.

Others got rid of nervous breakdowns and depression; a Parkinson’s patient developed a steadier gait. While I conducted only two sessions.

As lama expalined to me, the sound and vibration of this bowl balance Yin and Yang of our organs that start functioning harmoniously and smoothly. Mr. Shmidt, I think I answered all your questions.

Almost. Do people need to book an appointment with you tstronginto/emo reset the «Biological Clock», or they can just walk in from 2PM to 8PM? And what are the phone numbers to set up an appointment with you and with a colonic therapist?

– These are two different phone numbers. To see me at 2701 Ocean Ave. you can call (718) 891-0873.

Please leave a clear message with you phone number, otherwise I cannot call you back.

To get a colon cleansing please call (718) 336-2818.

Thank you for your interesting interview.

– I would like to warn all of you one more time against buying the food supplement Serotonin Luxe from other dealers because it can be a counterfeit.


Interviewed by V. Shmidt



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