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Interview 82

While urinating one can hold water in the mouth, and when the urine stream gets weaker release a thin trickle of water from your mouth again. Thus one can easier empty the bladder and can avoid many trips to the bathroom at night. It also applies to women.

But often times the urge to urinate is related to the inflammatory processes in the genital areas of men and women, including candidiasis, trichomonal urethritis, balanitis. Diabetes may also cause this problem.

– Alexander, you are a thoughtful healer who gives people hope for recovery. That’s why you have good results in healing patients. But why did not you tell us before about this method you developed?

     – Because you brought it up now. When patients with those problems came to see me they got a full explanation of it.

– Why do you think that your technique works better those doctors’ recommendations?

– Because when you take some water into your mouth and then release it slowly, your brain is the first one to respond to the process and not your bladder, and then the brain sends a signal to your bladder to relax. Besides, the water in your mouth becomes a part of your body, one of your body fluids.  

– I often ask myself if in the future doctors still need to be narrowly specialized. Or the time will come when medical schools will train multi-skilled competent experts like you are?

– During my healing practice I have come across the disorders that medical doctors give up on. And I’ve tried to find the cause, so I have studied and compared similar symptoms.

I told many times before that I started healing patients since I was 3 – after I had an electric shock. Then I developed my own unexplainable abstract vision – I sensed the disorders in the body. From the age of 7 to 11 I was trained by a homeopathic doctor who was also a healer and a clairvoyant. I went to the woods with her to gather healing herbs. She shared her knowledge and experience with me. When she died I inherited her diaries with many treatment methods of various diseases. She also left me the books with information on treatment of numerous disorders.

Some of the books bore stamps of the Ivan Sikorsky’s library. They were donated. Nowadays his grandchildren and great-grandchildren develop new helicopters in the USA.

In 1958 when my teacher Victoria Ivanovna died I accidentally met a surgeon who had made thousands of operations during WWII. In 1952 he was arrested as an enemy of the State, they broke his fingers and an arm during interrogations.

In 1953 he was released but he could not find any job. As a former officer he was collecting a small pension. His name was Mark Abramovich, but for me he was just uncle Marik. I consider him to be one of my teachers. He told me about many illnesses, trained me to identify disorders based on the symptoms. My knowledge of anatomy is his credit. I communicated with him until my age of 16, at that time he committed suicide (by hanging) due to


hopelessness and indifference in the former USSR. When he was often drunk he would look at his broken fingers and cry saying that if not for tortures he had gone through he could have saved thousands of lives.

I have healed people for more than 50 years and I gained a wealth of experience in helping people suffering from various illnesses. I studied Tibetan, Arabic, Chinese, European medicine and I often found contradicting approaches to the treatment of disorders, but those contradictions were live-savers because they made me navigate my own way to heal different disorders that cannot be treated by contemporary medicine.

– Sorry to interrupt you – I may forget to ask you an important question from a letter that none of the healers or doctors can answer. Please help us with this complicated problem.

– I’ll try.

– A woman wrote that she had MRI and sonogram tests done on her that found some strange neoplasms (formations) on kidneys, spleen and liver resembling hemorrhages, hematomas. She saw the best US specialists. But all of them say they have no idea what it is. They took a biopsy which showed that it was not cancer. She also wrote that 18 years ago she had ovariohysterectomy. Later on she got her hemorrhoids removed. And 6 years ago she had cholecystectomy because of the gallstones. What do you think about it?

– I had 5-6 cases like that in my practice. Recently I saw a patient with a similar problem. It’s easy to understand it if doctors were not narrow specialists.

She writes that 18 years ago she had a surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries; it means that she had endometriosis. Endometrial cells migrating with blood got to her kidneys, spleen and liver, settled there and look like hematomas. Doctors do not know this and they are not to blame.

This is my answer to the problem.

– I deeply respect you and I admire your knowledge and experience. You give people great hope that they will find their way to restore health. Everything that you suggest and offer, help them have confidence in the future.

And now about your helixes. They are so helpful that legends about them have been circulating in the community. Please briefly point out their most important feature.

– Then I will start from the very beginning of their appearance on our planet. In one of my previous interviews I reported that first I saw them on the alien spaceship from another Galaxy. When I told the aliens that those things are already available on Earth, they just smiled. When I decided to patent the helixes I was 100% sure that they exist already. But I was wrong. Half a year after, I was granted patents on the conical and the cylindrical helixes. They have been in the market for almost two years, and they amazingly help people with their problems and illnesses. They change a person’s life in an inexplicable way depending on his/her thought-form; they help to restore the lost functions.

At present, scientists all over the world try to find how to affect all body organs, the immune, endocrine and nervous systems through the brain.

As far as the helixes are concerned I think that I need to bring the latest research in this area to the scientists.

The Harvard researchers have studied the human DNA and they came to the conclusion that it is the ideal carrier of a vast amount of information. The DNA structure keeps modifying. Its molecules are called the building blocks of living organisms. Researchers managed to encode an entire book (284 pages) into a DNA molecule!

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid; it is a high-polymer natural compound and is found in the nuclei of the living organisms cells. First of all, DNA is the carrier of the genetic information; its fragments correspond to the particular genes.

– How did they manage to do this?

– The researchers used binary code to preserve the text, images and formatting of the book. They managed to record this information by means of first converting the data in the binary code, and then by transferring the numbers from one to zero, in a quaternary numeric system of DNA – A, T, G and C. There are letter paragraphs in the DNA – A, T, G and C, each of the bases (TGAC) representing a binary value (T and G = 1, A and C = 0).

I think this is the beginning of the revision of outdated axioms.

Those who read my books The First Revelation of Alexander and The Second Revelation of Alexander may recall my conversation with the alien from another Galaxy where he tells me that their children at the age of 5 get an impulse into their DNA and brain neurons to reveal their superpowers. Their children would be perceived as geniuses on our planet. We follow in their steps – we discover new unique abilities of our body.

It is a neuro-molecular discovery of superconsciousness.

In this way our brain activates secretion of hormonal compounds that affect not only our vital functions but the fulfillment of conceived actions. And now comes the most important thing that I have spoken about in one of my previous interviews. The molecular biologists decoding the human genome reported a sensational discovery that 97%  of DNA has largely unknown function and believed to be useless garbage, commonly called “Junk DNA“. That mystery was unveiled after quite a few years of study – those 97% are the genetic code of an extraterrestrial form of life. They even found the immune system in that “garbage”.

When one holds a Cylindrical Helix in his hands he amplifies many times his thought-form that transforms into the desired reality by matching (on the atomic and molecular level) the vibrations of copper ions and the brain (through the hand skin), while the brain in its turn transmits your recovery program to the organ you chose for healing.

The specialists from the Lawrence National Laboratory at the University of California came to the conclusion that the human brain health vastly depends on copper.

– Sorry to interrupt you again, but I’d like to emphasize that you revealed it in your books way before them – which proves one more time how outstanding and unique your books are.

– Yes, indeed, I myself find this information passed by aliens to the mankind through me, phenomenal. And I think that the helixes passed through me, are an important link in the chain of activating the DNA. They carry a special code which allows the owners of helixes to gain the desired because the thought is material.

– Why do you think so?

– Because if the scientists managed to encrypt 284 pages of information in just one DNA molecule, in another molecule they can encode how to treat cancer, leprosy, Ebola, all autoimmune diseases, etc. But the main feature of my helixes is that they can program and reproduce (without any scientists, without me, only thanks to your thought-form) any wish related to your health, and also amplify thousands times your hidden abilities, like telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, etc., and also to create a plasma phantom that will be able within seconds to cross the entire Universe and to travel to other planets where man has never gone before. In other words, the science fiction of XVIII – XX centuries can come true and can be translated into reality.

– Alexander, your knowledge is so unique that I can hardly compare it to any contemporary achievements.

– Don’t praise me. I just want to remind those who read my books that in the books there is a conversation of an alien with the sage, and the sage asks why aliens are reluctant to help people to restore peace and justice on Earth. And the alien answers that they don’t need it, that we are bound together, we live in them and they store their DNA in us!

My helixes are given to people to stimulate their DNA. It’s not a bluff, it’s a reality.

– I’d like to confirm all mentioned above. A noted Australian astrobiologist Paul Davies suggests that human cells can permanently store any information despite the environmental conditions, and they can even copy information to other “carriers”. That’s a universal message to the mankind which has been stores in us million years. Judging by their long-term programs, he says, the civilization that encoded us must be millions years ahead of us in their development.

That’s why I don’t doubt a smidgen that your helixes will help people to control their body and stimulate their genetic memory, will help them to discover some concealed parts of the brain that will lead them to unique events. They will develop a zest for life as opposed to vegetation and petty squabbles that some may think ARE the life.

I almost forgot to mention about a woman who wrote to us that she is a Ph.D., she read your books and interviews and she thinks that they are the guide to life. She discovered a new world of knowledge of the truth – thanks to your books and interviews. She says that the resetting of the Biological clock (to rejuvenate the body) is embedded in your books and helixes.

By the way, Alexander, do you continue to communicate with alien? What new stuff did they give you for us?

– I keep communicating with them. On June 27 I got a plasma substance from them that tends to reincarnate.

After October 28, if allowed, I will describe a super-amazing occurrence that happened to me due to the helixes. I showed the plasma glow of the substance to some people – and they saw it. I gave some of them small fragments of plasma and they see its glow. Everything in this Universe happens for a reason; I consider my contact with the extraterrestrial intelligence to be the regularity not an accident. Moreover, my three helixes – the bigger Conical Helix of Alexander, the smaller Conical Helix of Alexander and the Cylindrical Helix of Alexander – are given to the mankind to restore the lost perfection. Now everyone knows that a thought is material. My helixes are given to people to confirm this axiom.

– Do aliens believe in G-d?

– Their G-d is            G – Genetically

O – Ordained

D – Destiny


Our G-d’s fruits are religious and hate wars. Their G-d is progress; our G-d is regression.

– Alexander, now please tell us about your food supplement Serotonin Luxe containing pure natural serotonin.

– So many discoveries have been made during this period that I don’t even know where to start.

Let’s begin from the scientific studies. Recently the scientists from the University of Newcastle (Australia) announced sensational news that they found a molecular key for liver regeneration. The extent of tissue damage in liver diseases depends on the balance between the formation of scar tissues and the regeneration of new cells. Previous studies showed that the scarring of liver tissues turned into a chronic liver disease and then to cirrhosis. In cirrhosis the scars are so big that liver cannot filter the blood and produce a sufficient amount of hormones and factors for blood clotting. This liver scars, over time, can develop into cancer.

The significance of the discovery lies in the fact that the scientists managed to turn the balance in favor of healthy tissue regeneration and block scarring. They did it by manipulating the effect of serotonin which scientists also call the “hormone of happiness”.

– It means that it confirms what you wrote about serotonin – that it helps to fight cancer!

– Moreover, the scientists have also found that when liver is damaged by hepatitis B and C viruses, alcohol, autoimmune diseases, platelets (special blood cells) begin to repair liver and secrete serotonin.

– Now I understand why the food supplement Serotonin Luxe has so many positive reviews.

That’s not it. The scientists have also found that serotonin gives a command to liver for scarring and to cut off the evolutionary regeneration that threatens with cancer.

– This information caused my palpitation – because when I was 4 I had jaundice.

– Stop. What hepatitis did you have – A, B or C?

– Do not scare me. I had juvenile hepatitis as a result of jaundice AB, but positive.

– I do not scare you. But jaundice means that you have hepatitis A. And once you have AB it means that you are the carrier of a dual mutagenic hepatitis. That is, later you also contracted hepatitis B.

But we must pay tribute to serotonin in your body. On top of its many benefits it has one more advantage – it boosts the immune system and it blocks infections and viruses. The conclusion of the scientists from the University of Newcastle is that serotonin has a wide spectrum of effects and gives an opportunity for future therapy and treatment of many disorders.

– It means that your food supplement Serotonin Luxe is vital for human health.

– The supplement is of high quality. When it passes the US customs, it is thoroughly checked because they try to prevent narcotics and other banned substances into this country. Sometimes they check it 2 months and Russian quality certificates are verified.

I brought to the market this unique food supplement about 6 years ago. I get only positive responses because it helps people to restore the immune, nervous and hormonal systems. It cannot help immediately like any other medication or chemical preparation does not help at once.

Serotonin from my food supplement needs to build up in the body, and then patients will understand the difference between pure natural serotonin and its substitutes. It takes about 3 months to accumulate it. Sometimes 6-8 months.

– I’d like to tell about a research conducted at Oxford University. It shows that the intake of antidepressants, namely of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class, increases the criminal behavior of youngsters by 50% due their escalated aggressiveness. Their chemical formula is based on 5HTP.

This SSRI class includes Prozac, Effexor, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex, Cipramil, etc. They can also increase suicidal ideation in patients.

Now the USA is swamped with murders, violence, suicides especially among teenagers. Swedish specialists conducted a 4-year study of the behavior of 800,000 people over 15 years of age who took antidepressants, and they came to the conclusion that young people of 15 to 24 showed a risk of violent crime that increased by 43% as compared to the time before their antidepressant treatment. And it happens in a mostly trouble-free Sweden.

This research says a lot. To make it short – antidepressants turn young people into future criminals.

Alexander, you talk about the food supplement Serotonin Luxe benefits in all your interviews. Thus you show people the way to recovery and how to come out of depression. Almost all parents have to deal with problems of inadequate behavior of their children – first, antidepressants, then street drugs, and then children are lost to the parents. It’s their “happiness” if after antidepressants their children get addicted to alcohol. But terrible statistics says that chemical analogues of serotonin turn people into weak-willed cripples. Young people on antidepressants are usually hospitalized with serious problems twice as much as their peers. They


more often have alcohol intoxication, die of overdose on cocaine, heroin and other street drugs. Doctors cannot explain this phenomenon. What about you?

– The food supplement Serotonin Luxe is unique because it doesn’t cause addiction and doesn’t give side effects. Its formula is 5HT, which means that it’s not a chemical preparation 5HTP with reuptake of serotonin (SSRI).

To be on the market of food supplements for about 6 years is a super achievement. I get amazing letters from people whom my food supplement helped to stop or cope with various diseases like Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spondylitis, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, even cancer, Lyme disease, Menière’s disease, Adams-Stokes syndrome, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and others.

Many studies in many countries prove the damaging effect of antidepressants. But when you are not well you don’t pay attention to the side effects of medications. For example, Zoloft has a different affect on different people. Antidepressants are prescribed not only for depression but also for bulimia, hot flashes, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sexual dysfunctions, post-traumatic stress disorder, after-stroke rehabilitation, etc. MRI scanning of the brain shown that Zoloft significantly increased the volume of one region of the brain, the anterior cingulate cortex, while decreasing the volume of the same area and the hippocampus in non-depressed subjects! Hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex are responsible for memory, training, spatial orientation, will, motivation and emotions. The food supplement Serotonin Luxe helps – it’s a fact. Every man is the architect of his own fortune, isn’t he Mr. Shmidt?

– As long as we have a serious conversation, let’s carry it through. I want our readers to understand the benefits of your supplement Serotonin Luxe and the disadvantages of antidepressants.

A well-known American scientist Peter R. Breggin, a 78-year-old practicing Harvard-trained psychiatrist and publicist from New York, who is called the conscience of psychiatry, recently published a book Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry where he warns that new antipsychotic medications, when looked at in the perspective, are a strong destructive factor for the body.

He points out that after a week of intake of those medications patients start suffering from metabolism disorders leading to diabetes, hypertension, higher cholesterol levels and obesity. Their natural heartbeat gets off leading to a significant reduction in lifespan and increasing the risk of sudden death. It also affects their brain.

Elderly people are often prescribed Cerucal to treats gastric esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and heartburn caused by a stomach problem called gastroparesis. This medication has many adverse effects, including involuntary spasms of blood vessels, muscle contractions, convulsions, etc.

I don’t want to overload our reader with negative information. My opinion is that your food supplement Serotonin Luxe containing pure natural serotonin extracted from the bark of sea-buckthorn is the best supplement in the American market of food supplements. I can say this because my relatives and I, and my friends are taking it and we have the best results for which we are very grateful.

I receive many letters about a positive effect on the body, including the healing of depression and illnesses.

… «Everything you do for us shows that you want to help suffering patients. You are a multi-faceted person, you look for the cause of the problem, you don’t get rid of the patients using meaningless words and phrases like other healers who pretend to be angels. You have unique knowledge and experience. Your plates, supplements, helixes, books and interviews aim at saving human lives. This is G-d’s gift to the mankind through you. I am not afraid to say this because I owe my life and healing to you».

Zoya Annenkova, LA, CA

– Now I’d like to reiterate the information about your unique supplement Serotonin Luxe containing pure natural serotonin. People got a relief from or got rid of autoimmune diseases like system lupus erythematosis, Crohn’s disease, type 1 and 2 diabetes, Reiter’s syndrome, Bechterew’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Wilson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), drug addiction, alcoholism, all types of hepatitis A, B, C, and even autoimmune type D.

People write in their letters that the intake of the food supplement gave them a relief from problems with gastrointestinal tract, obesity, bulimia, many of them repaired vision, had their muscle and joint pains reduced, got firm and moisturized skin. We received 2 letters about full recovery from psoriasis and 4 letters about healing eczema. The food supplement helps to control urinary incontinence and vegetative-vascular dystonia. It has been scientifically proved that serotonin delays aging by slowing down the process of telomere (the ends of chromosomes) shortening.

We are getting many positive testimonials on the anti-arthritis cream VITASAN, made in Switzerland.

I would like to warn all of you one more time against buying the food supplement Serotonin Luxe from other dealers because it can be a counterfeit.

Thank you for the interview.                                                                                                       

Interviewed by V. Shmidt

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